Juntao Li (李俊涛)

Associate Professor, Soochow University

About Me

Dr. Juntao Li is now an associate professor at School of Computer Science & Technology, Soochow University, working with Prof. Min Zhang. Before that, he obtained a doctoral degree from Peking University in 2020, supervised by Dr. Rui Yan, Prof. Dongyan Zhao, and Prof. Dongmin Chen.

I am leading a research group on language models. We are dedicated to building application-oriented, open-source, large-size language models with transparency, reusability, and low-cost deployment. More details can be found at OpenNLG.

1. Contact


2. Research Interests and Selected Papers

(‘*’ = equal contribution, ’#’ = corresponding author )

2.1 Pretrained Language Models

2.2 Natural Language Generation

2.3 Dialogue Systems

3. Grants

4. Experiences

5. Tutorials and Talks

6. Alumni

7. Selected Awards

8 Academic Services (Program Committee or Reviewer)